Further Adventures
The weather has been great and the puppies are adventuring further each day. They are so brave, trundling down the field.
Granny Kite loves playing with them and sneaks in to their day area to pinch the puppy size tennis balls. Great Granny Cassie chooses on occasion to engage with them ,her most valued contribution is teaching them respect for their elders !
Molly is only feeding for a short time a couple of times each day and is grateful to have her mum and granny on hand to watch over them and give her some peace.
They also met Gareth the carpet fitter today who has started fitting our new hall, stairs and dining room carpet and was trying to cut the pieces outside, with the assistance of 10 Munsterlanders! Luckily he is a massive dog lover and has been to Jo for training with his own lovely dog.

The big outdoors
Sorry about the delay in updates, we have had a new refurbished PC which has taken a bit of time to get sorted.
The puppies are all so happy and confident, exploring and discovering new things, playing with granny Kite and being told off by great granny Cassie. Such a good education.

A week of firsts
Molly and her family have had an exciting week, lots of visitors which can only mean one thing in a Munster puppies world, cuddles.
They have moved into their daytime accommodation, the conservatory, which you can see their first few minutes discovering on a video clip. They have a patio which means they had their first experience of the great outdoors.
The weather has been much cooler and mixed but Wednesday was lovely so we opened their gate and out onto the drive they went, so confident and happy. Its a privilege to watch them develop physically and mentally.
Molly has watched us feed them and I’m sure she knows that her responsibilities are diminishing as far as feeding is concerned. She nips in to see them, stands for a few minutes to allow them to feed, then pops out again.
Kite their grandmother is only to happy to help, she cleans them and allows them to crawl all over her.
At nighttime the pups return to their bedroom after supper, poos and wees. Molly made her own decision to sleep with Kite and Cassie and so far we haven’t heard a squeak from them until 7.30am.
Enjoy the videos and photos.

Little Monkeys !
They are such gorgeous “Monkeys”, really interacting with us and each other now. Molly is such a sweetheart, how on earth she tolerates those little needle like teeth, which are now through, I will never know.
We have started to feed them. Firstly with Evaporated milk and warm water and over the next few days they will build to 4 meals a day of puppy porridge and a mix of raw meat.
We weighed them to assess the quantity of wormer needed, I swear if they stood still long enough you could see them grow. Worming is a straight forward task while they are so young, they are so easy to hold onto. They certainly won’t fit into the tupperware tub next scheduled weigh in!
Nails were trimmed again, when they are old enough to go outside the little sharp hooks wear down but for now we trim to help Molly.
The weather is onside at the moment, Molly has the kitchen door open and comes and goes to suit herself. Kite, puppies Grandma, adores the babies and helps clean. What she really wants to do is play she even took her Kong Lion down for them to play with, bless!
Enjoy the video footage. In case your wondering the lightest pups are put on the milk first, not that there is much difference.

Molly and her family are thriving . The pups eyes are open and they are sort of up on their paws . They do struggle to bark and stand, not yet multi tasking !
Molly is going out for a walk on a longline. She would dearly love to hunt for the masses of pheasant that are on the common so this is a bit of a compromise but she loves it.
Chris and I will start to feed them later this week, they are started on an evaporated milk warm water mix. Molly is feeding them well but I like to ease her workload.
The family are receiving visits from their future mums and dads so please get in contact to arrange a visit.
Hope you enjoy the pics and video clip.

Puppies are 11 days, eyes aren’t open yet but you can see movement so any day now. Molly is super attentive, the weather has been warm for her but luckily our cottage is the coolest place.
The chubbers grow so quickly, they have all doubled in weight, all we are doing at the moment is feeding Molly. She has 4 meals and relishes every morsel!
The pups have had their first nail trim today. They grow these horrid little hooks which are so sharp. They kneed at Molly’s tummy to encourage milk flow, which can scratch. They were all well behaved, but to be honest its easy to hold them still while they are so young.
Enjoy the picies.

Molly in a hurry!
Gosh this litter has been long awaited by me and the pups new families.
Covid got in the way big time, a Molly season came and went. With a new stud dog, Otto, chosen it was full steam ahead.
Molly popped out the 3 girls 4 boys in 3 hours, on Saturday 28th August. The first arrived soon after 7.00pm and she was all finished by 10.00pm. She is the fastest whelper we have experienced, so easy for her.
They are a bonny bunch, very even in weight, and a mix of markings.
We like to give our litter nick names while they are with us which usually have a tenuous link to their markings.
So here goes, I’ll let you try to figure out who’s who.
The white male pup is called Barnaby, nothing to do with his markings but named after our friends who both have birthdays close to the due date. The other names are …
The Girls – Wilma, Saga, and Pony
The Boys – Barnaby, Dicken, Flight and Woodstock
All will be revealed soon. Good Luck !!!
Molly is a brilliant mum, she loves her babies and currently Chris and I are at her beck and call. After all I have never had babies and I arranged for her to be in this situation so its the least we can do.
She is eating brilliantly, bless her, and has started to wonder outside with her mum and granny for a few minutes. 7 munchkins is a perfect number, not so draining on Molly feeding and cleaning wise, or on Chris and I when she hands over responsibility in a few weeks time.
Enjoy the photos, we will post them on here at regular intervals.