Molly, bless her, has less than a week to go now. She continues to have a short mooch on the common and is enjoying eating what she wants, when she wants. Her tummy is taught and you can feel the pups squiggling around.

The maternity wing is prepared, whelping box newly varnished and sterilised.
We have been taking her temperature twice daily anticipating that drop which indicates whelping is imminent.
The safe arrival (fingers crossed) of Molly and Rosko babies will go someway to ease our sadness at the loss of Patrick our Donkey. He had been with us 32 years and had been a huge character.
We will miss his” ee awe ” and giving him his cups of tea which he drank out of a pottery cup. Admittedly he had not been up to much mischief of late, old age and arthritis had curtailed his antics but he still had free rein of our property grazing wherever took his fancy .
We live near a bridle path and Patrick’s naughtiest trick was waiting in hiding for the local riding school to be going on a hack. A fare few of the riders were novices and Patrick took a wicked delight in timing a bray just as they were going past. Horses not used to donkeys are startled by the noise and would spook, the result being, on numerous occasions, riders tumbling off. He loved it !
He will be hugely missed by lots of folk who knew him.

Crufts is upon us again , Kite is entered but whether I will be there is down to Molly. Time will tell.
The following week is Cheltenham festival, another of my favorite events. I hope to be going on Tuesday, Champion Hurdle day. Fingers are crossed that the Corona virus does not escalate.
Chris will post my normal puppy diaries on my website which I know prospective Crumpsbrook parents love.
I am hoping for a uneventful delivery and a healthy litter and mum.
Will keep you posted.